

love爱博 serves a 多样化的 community by offering quality academic education, 劳动力发展和成人教育的机会是可获得和负担得起的. 为了这个目的, the College fully supports and seeks to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (艾达), 1973年康复法案的第二章和第504节. 

Gadsden State strives to create a welcoming environment for all students and will work in good faith with faculty, 工作人员 and students to provide access and reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. 

残疾人服务和资源办公室 位于学院东校区的乔·福特大楼105室. 我们鼓励学生, 访客和残疾员工可以love爱博讨论住宿需求. 帕姆·克拉夫是联系人,您可以通过以下方式联系到她 pclough@kyzt365.com or 256-549-8462.



残疾服务和资源办公室(DSR)负责协调住宿需求, 残疾相关信息, 辅助技术服务, 为学术相关目的提供手语翻译和转录服务.  DSR不提供残疾评估和/或测试, 辅导, 个人支出, attendants or scholarships; however, 我们确实提供资源和推荐信息.




The Gadsden State Disability Services and 资源 Office will interact and collaborate with faculty, 工作人员, 为残障学生实现公平的学习环境; 


Disability Services and 资源 exercises these principles to promote an environment where disability is seen as a valued aspect of diversity:

  • 股本 – Access is achieved only when all students can fully participate in the educational opportunities, 活动, 和GSCC提供的服务.
  • 协作 – Access happens when individuals from across campus come together to meet the needs of a 多样化的 community of learners.
  • 卓越 – We strive to establish best practices through leadership in addressing barriers to access and furthering the global conversation on disability in higher education.




  • 教室可访问性
  • 测试设施
  • 作业的备选格式
  • 记录员/笔记员
  • 手语翻译/ CART记录员
  • 读者/文员
  • 自适应技术
    • 电子文本(教科书的电子副本,有限制)
    • 计算器(有限制)
    • TextAloud文本转语音软件
    • 教学大纲、测试和讲义的大型打印副本
    • FM系统(为我们提供的听障学生)
    • 放大听诊器
    • 闭路电视(cctv,固定)
    • 扫描仪
    • 盲文压花机
    • 可调节高度的桌子
  • 辅助电脑软件
    • 窗口-眼睛,缩放文本,大白鲨,科学笔记本
  • 服务性动物(允许)